INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION | We are the Challengers | KA1 Erasmus+ for Youth
COORDINATOR: Vedogiovane Cooperativa
Place: Verbania-Piemonte, ITALY
Dates: Autumn 2020 or Winter 2021 (date estimates until further notice about COVID-19 status)
Partner Countries: Italy, Greece, Estonia, Turkey
Participants: Youth of 18-25 years old
Youth Leader: EERcomt Member with relevant experience, whatever the age
Greek Partner: ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia - Thrace (EERcomt)
-APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION applicable only for EERcomt members.
Contact details for more information:
Email: eu@esai.gr
Tel.: +30 2314 042 342
Mob.: +30 6906 98 22 44
This project will have a wide conscience impact on participating groups, leading us to:
-develop a belonging feeling to the European Union, through a direct contact with other country's culture, language and most of all youngsters.
-Bound longlasting relations with other European youngsters
-share new experiences with kids from other countries
-develop the ability to talk a foreign language, for instance English, to really communicate out of the school environment
-get used to independently manage situations in the local community environment
-enlarge the local and sorrounding reality knowledge
-promote and value the groups' potentials develop the European citizenship feeling with regard to the exchange themes
Organizers have already involved many local community entities during the project's preparation steps. They showed them the topics and the aims they intend to develop and reach, and they have purposed a positive and whide sharing of them (where it is possible). The VCO Province, Eurodek VCO, some local youth and cultural associations with special regard to main local associations dealing with sport and disability. Specifically the project will be managed in cooperation with the Municipality of Gravellona Toce and the association GSH Sempione (supporting disabled people till when they become paralimpic athlets). We will always try to develop a more active collaboration with them, trying to involve them in the European dimension of the project.