INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION | StereoTRIP Project | KA1 Erasmus+ for Youth | Botassart, BELGIUM
Place: Botassart, BELGIUM
Dates: Autumn 2020 or Winter 2021 (date estimates until further notice about COVID-19 status)
Partner Countries: Belgium, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Spain, Serbia, Portugal
Participants: 5 persons, Youth of 15-25 years old
Youth Leader: EERcomt Member with relevant experience, 18-35 years old
Profile of participants:
Prioritized: Young dynamic people interested in the topic of stereotypes, prejudice,
discrimination, international dialog, etc…
Dates and Venue
Autumn 2020 or Winter 2021 (possibilities of further postponing if COVID-19 threat insists), Botassart-sur-Semois, Belgium.
The village is situated in the south of the country, close to the beautiful
“Tombeau du Géant”.
Greek Partner: ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia - Thrace (EERcomt)
-APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION applicable only for EERcomt members.
Contact details for more information:
Email: eu@esai.gr
Tel.: +30 2314 042 342
Mob.: +30 6906 98 22 44
Objectives and topic of the project by the HOSTING ORGANIZATION:
Our project will be about the stereotypes and prejudice. Belgium is a small country with already few stereotypes so we would like to go in few places that covers the different regions of the country and try to see what will happens with the stereotypes … Of course the most important objective for us is to exchange, to discover the other cultures! During the project we would like to create a website that we will fill with our ideas and workshops. For this website we will need a publicity campaign that our youngsters will create. In the end of the project we would like to be able to understand the dynamics and have a critical opinion on stereotypes and prejudices.