The Cultural Organization of Macedonia Thrace, the Club for the Dissemination of Sign Language and KDAP Platon and under the aegis of the Institute of Nutritional Studies and Research invited trainers, teachers and artists to get acquainted with the new dance style, #handiedance, a medium, only artistically and only source of creation (as the hands expressively assist the emotional imprint through non-verbal communication), but also as a facilitator of oral speech, didactic practice, or even therapeutic way of improving basic cognitive skills.
What is unique in the alliance?
ESAI EN ROI is elaborating with handiedance since 2003 by experimenting with the power of non-verbal communication and the role of semantic hand-movement, and the dancing movement of sign language aiming in the d

evelopment of a new dance style for all, whatever the special ability or the disability. The Sign Language Dissemination Club (Chania), a regular helper and collaborator of EER, assists with sign language trainers proposing unique quality ideas in the aesthetics of movement
. KDAP Platon (Xanthi), comes to share with us the know-how for the education of infants and children and at the same time to support with its staff, our first certified trainers. The Institute of Nutritional Studies and Research supports as a motivator nd leader of a unique ca
mpaign: teaching basic healthy eating knowledge and life skills for eating behavior by playing and learning through creative movements and images with instructional messages.
For more info visit the website www.handiedance.com
