GRECiTALIA Sports & Arts Mobility Project
A group of Young Athlets visited our Organization during September as volunteers and performers who have supported
a) the activities of the 7th Festival of Inclusive Culture “Deaf & Hearing People in Action” (DHIAfest) and
b) the Advanced Planning Visit of Pop Up Arts Balkan Project (PUAB Project).
The Italian group participated to the performing activities of DHIAfest 2019 in Thessaloniki (23.09.2019, Roman Ancient Theater & Venizelou Statue Square); in Olympus (25.09.2019, DION Ancient Theater) & in Thasos (28.09.2019, Palataki Monument of Limenaria). The Italian group (4 young males, aged beween 18-22 years old) joined several sightseeing activities of DHIAfest & PUAB Project as: a) Saint Dimitrios Churh of Thessaloniki, b) Acropolis Museum of Athens, c) Acropolis Ancient Monuments of Athen, d) “Saint Dionisios en Olympo” Monastery, e) Information Center of Olympus National Geopark, f) White Tower Museum of Thessaloniki, g) Archaelogical Museum of Thasos & h) Arcaelogical Monuments of Thasos. They mainly enjoyed the festival events and partially supported by volunteering to few tasks. The current youth mobility project was a PILOT ARTISTIC PROJECT focusing on artistic sports promotion in the frames of Beactive events of the DHIAfest, where the Italian group demonstrated KALISTHENICS & PARKOUR artistic sports. A video-ar short film is expected to be produced by Italian group during 2020 and to be further promoted via Artivia Youth Magazine and International Film Festivals located in GR. The project has been mainly funded by EERcomt and partially by Vedogiovanne Association. Thasos events were joined by PUAB project partners (Svitac - BA, RCNE - BU, Udhetim i LIre - AL & local Folk Associations of Thasos. Coordinator of the both projects was EERcomt - GR.
