We are proud to announce the participation of one of the Youth Workers certified by EER, Voulgaroglou Aggeliki, in the EXPLORE intercultural learning training course (2022-1-SE02-KA151-YOU-000059667). Aggela has been selected between other YW individuals for taking place in 28 April-5 May 2023 in Kopparberg, Sweden.

In this training course, our representative, Voulgaroglou Aggeliki, will explore different methods such as gamification and storytelling to better involve young people in intercultural learning.
The training will consist of four phases: Explore phase - trying out different methods to work with young people with focus on gamification and storytelling Creation phase - Adjusting & creating methods Implementation phase - Facilitation of methods in real-life-situation Reflection phase - Reflection of the implementation phase and future local implementation.