90,000 visitors / 850 exhibitors / 600+ events / 14 event halls / 16,000 sq.m. / 40 countries / 1,500+ Greek and foreign authors

Radamanthys Publications will be present this year at the great celebration of the book, at the INTERNATINOAL BOOK FAIR of Thessaloniki city in Greece, which will take place from May 16 to 19. Radamanthys Publications will present more than 150 book titles, representing 120 authors, poets and historical researchers, who come mainly from Crete, but also from Thessaloniki, Patras and Athens. Radamantis Publications will be located at Stand 13, stand 020.
Authors will be at the publishing stand to sign their books, including the President of our organization, Eleni Kavazidou, on Sunday 19/5, 6.30-7.30 pm.
Dance kinesiotherapy concerns the psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance, in order to express ourselves creatively and engage in an internal process of emotional, physical and social integration.
The book briefly presents the basic concepts and methodology of Chorokinesiotherapy and introduces anyone interested in its secrets. It also identifies the key points that concern Dance Therapists as well, while offering an indicative exercise book. The author, with rich experience in the field and having studied her subject in depth, can and does simplify concepts and techniques, so that every reader can approach them.

Eleni Kavazidou is a graduate of T.E.F.A.A. of A.P.Th. and of the Higher Professional School of Dance of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, a graduate of the Contemporary Conservatory of Thessaloniki. From a very early age she immersed herself in research with her "debut" participation in a research group of the Institute of Psychoacoustics of AUTH. She has postgraduate studies in Special Physical Education and a PhD in the field of Choreokinesiotherapy and Nutritional Behavior. She has gained proficiency in Sign Language and is certified in Braille (writing) and MAKATON alternative communication systems. Since her student life, she has been honoured with achievement scholarships (IKY), distrinction of conference papers, as well as innovations presented at TEDx (semantics, sign language and dancetheater performance) and continues today to promote a new system of kinesiology (Jam Rhythm Dance) and a modern way of getting to know the fine arts (dance, pantomime, direction, visual creation, creative writing, etc.) suitable for people with and without disabilities (handiedance events). For all those issues, she is constantly collaborating with various artists as well as the ARTS-Lab of RADAMANTHYS publications.
Since 2017, she coordinates in collaboration with Esai en Roi, INSR, Radamanthys Publications and the Konstantinion Research Center for Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology, a platform for highlighting particular inclinations of young artists (see related: html). She has been engaged in research in her field for many years so that today she is considered as an expert in the fields of Sports and Culture in National and International level. She recently joined the consultations of a group of therapists for the establishment of a relevant international union to defend their labor rights and promote and promote alternative therapies. She was retrained in the utilization of various techniques of therapeutic gymnastics, physical exercise, alternative therapy, dance systems, applications of theatrical play and alternative theatre. She speaks English, Italian, German and a few French. She works as a Physical Education Teacher in schools of Primary Education being positioned the last years in school-administration.
